
Sustainable fashion to save the planet

Tic, tac, tic, tac… Every second that passes, an amount of tissue equivalent to a garbage truck is burned or buried. Tic, tac… They are needed 7.500 liters of water to produce your jeans. Tac. Tac. Tac. You already thought so, ecofriendly, if you can "dress" in peace? Sabem que la indústria de

Moda eco-friendly: 3 simple steps

La moda sostenible es, first of all, an alternative to fashion that we all know. What's so special? Son varios los factores que la diferencian porque parte desde una visión totalmente distinta que la modafast fashion. Este tipo de moda es la que cambia sus colecciones cada temporada y que hace que ese pantalón

Sustainable fashion sales are growing

La producció de quilòmetre zero o amb materials reciclats és cada cop més important en el sector tèxtil. The number of sustainable fashion brands in Catalonia has increased by one 23% in the last year, according to data from the Ethical Time platform. La pandèmia també ha generat un efecte positiu i ha contribuït

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